
Last news and events from volunteer centers

'Food Security Continues its Work!' thumbnail

Food Security Continues its Work!

In 2024, the Food Security project continued its operations across 6 countries. Here are the results:

'Jewish Community - Part of the General Celebration!' thumbnail

Jewish Community - Part of the General Celebration!

On July 3, our community welcomed old and new friends at the Jewish corner!

Minsk / Belarus
'An Evening Stroll through Jewish Minsk' thumbnail

An Evening Stroll through Jewish Minsk

Minsk is a city with a rich Jewish history, and despite wars and fires, some of this history still endures.

Minsk / Belarus
'Volunteer Festival in Minsk!' thumbnail

Volunteer Festival in Minsk!

On September 8th, a volunteer festival took place in Belarus, bringing together activists from all over the country.

Minsk / Belarus
'Project "My Elder Friend"' thumbnail

Project "My Elder Friend"

In March, our volunteer Miriam Senko gave an interactive lecture.

Minsk / Belarus
'Food Security in Minsk' thumbnail

Food Security in Minsk

In March, the event "OY WAY Quiz" was held, organized by EKO "Emuna".

Minsk / Belarus
'Cooking class "Open kitchen"' thumbnail

Cooking class "Open kitchen"

We invited children and their parents from the Jewish community to prepare their personal mishloach manot for Purim!

Minsk / Belarus
'Children's holiday Purim in Minsk' thumbnail

Children's holiday Purim in Minsk

We held a big Purim quest for children from the Minsk Jewish community!

Minsk / Belarus
'"Open kitchen" project for children' thumbnail

"Open kitchen" project for children

At the meeting, the children remembered the wonderful holiday of Shavuot, its traditions and customs.

Minsk / Belarus
'Holiday to every home. Minsk' thumbnail

Holiday to every home. Minsk

The volunteer center delivered fruits to the elderly wards of the Hesed-Rahamim PCJO, and also sent 200 greeting cards by mail.

Minsk / Belarus
'“Happy Mother” project.' thumbnail

“Happy Mother” project.

Beauty and conspicuous appearance are the hallmarks of a Jewish woman. Each of us wants to feel and see ourselves stunningly beautiful every day.

Minsk / Belarus

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee