'Soulful Workshop' poster
Vitebsk / Belarus

Soulful Workshop

Care and Attention to the Elderly in The "Soulful Workshop" Project

The "Soulful Workshop" project was created with the aim of maintaining connections with elderly people who, for various reasons, have found themselves in social isolation. These individuals are often immobile or choose to avoid social interaction due to age-related changes, making them vulnerable and disconnected from society. The project began during the pandemic when many elderly people were confined to their homes, and its importance continues to this day.

The primary goal of the project is not only to keep regular contact with elderly Hesed clients but also to show care and attention through holiday and birthday greetings. Volunteers create postcards, souvenirs, and other thoughtful items, which are delivered to Hesed clients. They also prepare and send letters, reminding elderly individuals that they are remembered and cared for.

Since its inception, the "Soulful Workshop" has achieved significant results. Over 1,200 congratulatory sets have been sent, around 900 postcards for Jewish holidays have been handmade, and more than 2,000 letters have been dispatched. More than 60 volunteers of various ages have participated in the project, demonstrating the importance of such initiatives. The "Soulful Workshop" helps elderly individuals feel valued and appreciated, despite their age or physical limitations.

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee