'School of Health' poster
Krasnodar / Russia

School of Health

The project was implemented in 2016 with the aim of assisting elderly members of the community.

The “School of Health” project is created to support elderly people over the age of 50 in matters related to health and age-related changes.

Project Description:

The project has been active since 2016. Within the project, elderly beneficiaries receive information on the prevention of various diseases and ways to maintain health. Mini-classes, educational sessions with health professionals, and on-site events are organized for this purpose. During the pandemic, the project was conducted online, which was positively received by the participants.

Project Goals:

  • Increase awareness among the target audience about ways to maintain health and proper nutrition
  • Develop and implement healthy habits in the lives of elderly people
  • Improve the physical and psychological health of elderly people
  • Socialize elderly people
  • Maintain connections within the community

Role of Volunteers:

  • Announce upcoming events
  • Invite speakers
  • Conduct sessions with elderly people
  • Provide technical support during online events
  • Maintain a comfortable atmosphere during events
  • Gather and prepare necessary materials for sessions
  • Maintain feedback with project participants

Project Results:

  • Improved health levels among elderly people
  • Educated the target audience on ways to maintain health
  • Socialized elderly people
  • Created a sustainable platform designed to help find answers to any health-related questions

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee