Shabbat as a Separate Form of Art
The program involves studying the tradition of the Jewish Sabbath and its celebration!
Project "Shabbat as a Separate Form of Art"
Preserving traditions is an important condition for preserving the spirit of an entire nation. The "Shabbat as a Separate Form of Art" project allows for a better understanding of the peculiarities of Shabbat, immersing oneself in its atmosphere, and learning all the nuances of the "art" of celebrating the Jewish Sabbath. The project is designed for clients of the "Day Center" and the socialization club.

Description of the project:
As part of the project, joint Shabbat meetings are held once a month, during which participants attend creative and thematic master classes prepared by volunteers. During these joint events, participants become acquainted with Jewish attributes, culinary recipes, and cultural features of Shabbat.
Project goals:
The project aims to develop the culture of Shabbat celebration among community members, making it more creative and diverse. Additionally, within the framework of the project, participants have the opportunity to establish social connections and gain a better understanding of important Jewish traditions.
Role of volunteers:
The project is organized with the support of volunteers, whose efforts are directed towards preparing and conducting project activities, informing about upcoming events, as well as providing participants with support of any kind and creating a favorable, friendly, and comfortable atmosphere at meetings.
Project results:
During the first session of the project, participants prepared open pies called "shanezhki," traditional for the cuisines of Eurasian ethnic groups, including Ashkenazi cuisine. During the master class, our wards not only learned a new recipe but also developed fine motor skills, which contributes to the improvement of cognitive functions. Moreover, lively communication had a beneficial effect on the emotional state of each attendee, thus enhancing the overall quality of life for the elderly.