Project Description:
The “Tasty Hot Meals Delivered to Your Home” project was created to support elderly people living alone during the pandemic, who found themselves in complete isolation and were unable to cook proper meals for themselves.
As part of the project, volunteers prepare hot meals daily, which are then delivered to 15 beneficiaries—elderly, immobile individuals. The delivery of the meals is carried out with adherence to sanitary standards: disposable containers are used, and contactless delivery is ensured.
Project Goals:
- To ensure a proper diet for elderly, immobile members of the community
- To support beneficiaries during the pandemic
- To improve the health of the project participants through regular meals
- To enhance the quality of life for elderly, immobile members of the community
- To improve the physical and psycho-emotional state of the project participants
Role of Volunteers:
- Developing the daily menu
- Purchasing the necessary groceries
- Preparing hot meals
- Carrying out contactless delivery with adherence to sanitary standards
Project Results:
- Ensuring a proper diet for elderly, immobile members of the community
- Enhancing the quality of life for elderly, immobile members of the community
- Improving the physical and psycho-emotional state of the project participants