'Creative Frenzy' poster

Creative Frenzy

This is a multi-disciplinary workshop equipped with tools, where not only learning takes place but also the production of various wooden items is organized.

The "Creative Frenzy" project is designed to improve the quality of life for elderly community members by developing fine motor skills to maintain their cognitive abilities, as well as by fostering their creative talents.

Project Description:

The project has been running since 2018. Within the project, elderly community members are trained in the art of wood carving and subsequently work in the workshop to create various wooden crafts. Participants make gifts for Jewish holidays and various useful items, which are then distributed to low-income community members. The project also involves restoring wooden furniture.

Project Goals:

  • Physical rehabilitation of elderly people through the development of fine motor skills.
  • Improvement of cognitive functions in elderly individuals.
  • Development of creative abilities among project participants.
  • Socialization of elderly community members.
  • Providing assistance to community members in the repair of wooden items.
  • Preservation of Jewish traditions through the creation of items with relevant symbols.

Volunteer Roles:

  • Training project participants in woodworking.
  • Providing participants with all necessary materials.
  • Recruiting new participants for the project.
  • Developing ideas for new products.

Project Results:

  • Socialization of elderly community members.
  • Improvement in cognitive health of project participants.
  • Development of creative abilities among project participants.
  • Prompt assistance to community members with issues related to the repair and creation of wooden items.
  • Strengthening connections within the community.

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee