Year-End Summary for Volunteer Day
On December 17, 2023, during the off-site event at "Chernoyarskaya Zhemchuzhina," the results of the volunteer squad "BeYakhad" were summed up.
The event included a review of the achievements of the volunteer squad "BeYakhad" throughout the year, showcasing impressive contributions. The volunteers engaged in practical assistance to the center's beneficiaries, undertaking minor repairs, aiding in cleaning, installing shelves, and handling heavy items.
- They provided household assistance to the center's beneficiaries, undertaking tasks such as minor repairs, aiding in cleaning, installing shelves, and carrying heavy item.
- For Victory Day on May 9, the volunteers conducted the "Light a Candle of Memory" campaign, where children and youth congratulated homefront workers.
- During the Purim celebration, volunteers prepared hamantaschen, and the children distributed mishloach manot to 37 beneficiaries of Chesed.
- In honor of Passover, the youth cleaned the area in front of Chesed, and matzah was distributed to the beneficiaries.
- During the summer holidays, youth leaders from the "Anakhnu" youth club assisted in organizing activities for the "Kaytana" summer playground.
- For Hanukkah, volunteers prepared 170 donuts, which were then distributed to elderly Chesed beneficiaries along with Hanukkah candles.

After the summary of results, participants engaged in the quest "Being a Volunteer is Great!" They formed two teams and enthusiastically completed various tasks.
- In the first task, volunteers had to come up with a team name, motto, and depict the concept of "volunteer."
- The second task involved describing the basic principles of volunteer activities and answering questions like: What is essential for a volunteer? What is important when engaging in charitable activities?
- In the third task, volunteers had to break down the word "volunteer" into letters and choose words that start with each letter, characterizing volunteer qualities.
- For the fourth task, volunteers drew the "Flower of Kindness," with petals representing qualities of a kind person.
- The fifth task was dedicated to proverbs about goodness and volunteering.
- In the final, sixth task, participants were asked to voice 10 reasons to become a volunteer.

Both teams successfully completed all the tasks. Afterward, volunteers discussed future plans, and activists received pleasant gifts and thank-you letters.
Thanks to the volunteers for their contribution to improving the lives of people in need! It is hoped that new volunteers will continue to join the ranks!