'Visiting a veteran' poster
Saratov / Russia

Visiting a veteran

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Victory, the volunteers visited veteran Samuel Simonovich

On February 28, representatives of the volunteer center visited labor veteran Samuel Simonovich Geizin as part of the campaign for the 75th anniversary of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. He, being a witness of the terrible events of the war, told about the air raids of fascist fighters on the city, about the evacuation of his family from Vitebsk (Belarus) in the first months of the war, about the large-scale transfer of a clothing factory from his hometown to Saratov. With a sinking heart, the guests listened to Samuel Simonovich's story about how he, as a juvenile, worked at a factory as a mechanic and at the age of 14 already headed one of the workshops. He told how after a hard 12-hour day he sat down at a desk in a school for working youth, about how hunger haunted him for several long war years. "The victory was then brought closer by all of us together, not divided by nationality and religion. Courage, strong spirit and unity helped us to survive in that war!", Geizin said.

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