'The story of Dima Dorohov and Margarita Isaakovna' poster
Moscow / Russia

The story of Dima Dorohov and Margarita Isaakovna

The state of health does not allow the ward to leave the house herself. The only way for her to get some fresh air is the help of volunteers.

If we had a special title for the most active people of the "Joint", Dima Dorohov would definitely get it!

Dima is a volunteer of the "Maagal" Volunteer Coordination Service, an activist of Hillel Moscow and a graduate of Knafaim - young leadership training. For six months now he has been regularly visiting Margarita Isaakovna, the ward of the "Helping Hand" RPJCF. She lives alone, and her health condition does not allow her to leave the house on her own. The only way for her to get some fresh air and take a walk is the help of our volunteers.

“Margarita Isaakovna is cool, she has many interesting stories and a great desire to get on her feet and travel”, Dima says. “A wheelchair helps her move during the walk; usually a visit takes about 2.5 hours. Sometimes she asks to stop by the post office or the market on the way. She is always interested in my affairs, it is important to her what is happening in my life – what I read, watch, see. It's so nice!"

Often Dima takes friends with him - Margarita Isaakovna really lacks communication, and fresh faces always make her happy. When he shared his story at the Maagal Workshop, some volunteers immediately responded and wanted to accompany Margarita Isaakovna on walks.

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee