'Seminar for teenagers of the AJT club in Yekaterinburg' poster
Yekaterinburg / Russia

Seminar for teenagers of the AJT club in Yekaterinburg

As part of the event, teenagers participated in mass volunteering from the League of Volunteers.

As part of the event, teenagers participated in mass volunteering from the League of Volunteers.

Teenagers managed to try different types of volunteering - from targeted assistance to wards to the internal work of the volunteer center.

During an hour of work, the volunteers managed to sign 25 postcards, sort through 15 bags of clothes, develop a content plan for the telegram channel of the volunteer center, congratulate three wards of the foundation, take an inventory of materials from the Home Care program, help create a system for storing books in the library and complete other tasks faced by volunteers of the League of Volunteers.

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