Quiz from Bishkek
Continuing the tradition of good deeds and exploring new opportunities for fundraising.
Continuing the tradition of good deeds and exploring new opportunities for fundraising, the Volunteer Center of Bishkek decided to combine fundraising for a children's summer camp with interesting and educational activities. The idea of organizing charitable quiz games attracted us. Five teams of ten people each gathered to compete for leadership in knowledge of Jewish history, traditions, nuances of Jewish life, and other interesting global topics. Participants really enjoyed this fundraising format. This way, funds were collected for all the necessary needs related to organizing the children's camp.

However, time has its own rules, and the situation with the coronavirus pandemic changed our plans. During isolation, the charitable platform was removed, but the games continued. The game acquired a special meaning – communication, unity, moral support, and humor helped overcome this period. The Safronov family of volunteers, Tatiana and Mikhail, supported the good mood and brought together the participants of the beloved game twice a month in an online format.
This story has a continuation. We thought about how to organize leisure for volunteers so that it is Jewish, useful, fun, emotional, and memorable. In October, we started a series of autumn online games among volunteers from the Central Asian region. Getting to know and communicating with volunteers from other regions in a game format makes volunteering more interesting. At the moment, two games have already been played among volunteers from Karaganda and Bishkek. Quiz is a great opportunity to stay together and do good deeds despite everything.