"Lev Tov" Project
Volunteers and participants of the "Lev Tov" project together visited the performance "Fiddler on the Roof"
The "Lev Tov" project is considered difficult, as volunteer assistance is provided on an ongoing basis. Volunteers take on the responsibility of staying in constant contact with their charges and addressing emerging issues.

It's easy to take part in a one time action, but to be a full-time volunteer is a calling! This time, the volunteers with their wards visited the V. I. Kachalov Theater and watched the wonderful musical "Fiddler on the Roof" based on the story of Sholom Aleichem.
Three hours of unforgettable emotions, songs, groovy dances, and subtle humor - all this accurately conveyed the customs and traditions of the Jewish people. Our wards thanked us for the cultural event and for the great opportunity to meet all together.