Good Deeds Day in Kazan
Our volunteers in cooperation with the volunteers - hairstylists from the local college of small business and entrepreneurship have organized an event.
Our voluntary center “Aikva” from Kazan, in cooperation with the volunteers - hairstylists from the local college of small business and entrepreneurship, have organized and hosted the “Good Deeds Day” event.

Volunteers-students were putting their highest effort to provide the best haircut and styling to our elderly friends. Meanwhile we shared a great conversation alongside a cup of tea and some sweets.
Our volunteers as well as our voluntary center are thrilled to collaborate with the young specialists once again and we hope that it will happen soon enough and transform into a beautiful tradition.

Doing good deeds is simple and satisfying, something that you don’t need a lot of time or energy for. Something that you have mastered can be directed ito voluntary form, to share your professionalism with others!