Good Deeds Day 2022 in Khabarovsk
An annual project within the framework of which good and useful actions are held
В этом году волонтерский центр объединил свои силы вместе с другими организациями общины, с молодежной организацией Гилель и подростковым клубом AJT.
This year, the volunteer center joined forces with other community organizations, with the Hillel youth organization and the AJT youth club.
As part of the Day of Good Deeds, several actions were held
The first was an action where everyone could draw a postcard for the Passover holiday, which we later duplicated and put into Easter sets from the community.
В рамках Дня Добрых Дел прошло несколько акций
Первой была акция, где все желающие могли нарисовать открытку к празднику Песах, которые в дальнейшем мы размножили и положили в пасхальные наборы от общины.
Together with the AJT teenage club, about 50 challahs were baked for the families of the community, which the guys from Hillel had already delivered by Shabbat
The general cleaning of the community took place, the information stand was updated, the cultural center was tidied up