'Gifts for Purim' poster
Novosibirsk / Russia

Gifts for Purim

On such a cheerful holiday, the community cannot gather with friends, so the delivery of food holiday packages was organized

On February 26, we celebrated the holiday of Purim!

Purim is a festive Jewish holiday, a time of carnival, gifts, lavish feasts, theatrical performances and joy.

We sincerely wish you health, a lot of strength and well-being.

Covid leaves no choice, we cannot come together for a fun holiday, watch a performance based on the history of the holiday, drink and laugh together, like last year.

The two main customs of this holiday are giving charity to the poor and sending food gifts to friends and family.

In accordance with these traditions, we have collected sets of treats for the holiday, which were delivered to 50 participants of the project. The volunteers gathered in the "Hatikvah" to pick up the sets for the wards and visited them at their homes to convey the festive mood, congratulate them and pass the treats.

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