Following the Routes of Tradition
The quest helped children learn about the attributes of Passover and the order of the festive meal, the Seder.
On the eve of Passover, our volunteers organized an engaging quest for the young members of the community. This quest helped the children learn about the traditions and attributes of Passover, as well as familiarize themselves with the rules of the festive meal, the Seder. The quest began at the park located near the Almaty Community Center and concluded at the same spot a few hours later.

According to Victoria Ozhereleva, the coordinator of community programs at the Rimon Jewish Community Center, the quest was designed in the style of a world tour. At each checkpoint along the route, the children learned about events related to the history of Passover, solved riddles, tackled puzzles, and participated in various contests. This approach allowed the children to quickly grasp new facts about the holiday and understand the intricacies of its celebration. The learning process was enjoyable, and the children eagerly absorbed the new information.
By the end of the quest, the children had learned a lot about the attributes and traditions of Passover. For every member of the Jewish people, Passover is a unique holiday that marks the birth of our nation following the Exodus from Egyptian slavery. Learning about the tales of the holiday, where imagination intertwines with real historical facts, broadens the children’s horizons and helps them feel part of a large and ancient culture.

Upon returning to the community center, the children were able to share their impressions of the game and also explored books from the “Pajama Library” project dedicated to Passover. We thank our volunteers for educating the younger generation because our future depends on how our children grow up!