Connection of Generations
A volunteer initiative brought together active retirees, schoolchildren, and members of community families.
Volunteers from our center in Almaty organized a wonderful action in which both adults and children decorated and then hung bird feeders on trees to help our feathered friends survive the harsh winter. The initiative was joined by active retirees from the “Tzairim ba Lev” group, schoolchildren from the after-school community group, and children from low-income and large families.

While decorating the birdhouses, the participants showcased their imagination and remarkable creativity. Armed with bright paints, both young and old nature lovers transformed the bird feeders into colorful and attractive homes for the birds. Throughout the creative process, the boundaries between the older and younger generations faded. Retirees enthusiastically shared stories about the birdhouses they made during their childhood and passed on their experience in building them, while the children offered helpful tips on decorating the feeders and shared their observations about the birdlife in Almaty, as well as eco-friendly initiatives in their schools.

According to the project coordinator for active retirees "Tzairim ba Lev," Maria Treskunova, the community initiative holds great social significance, as the children learned a valuable lesson in caring for nature, and the older generation had an enjoyable time passing on their experiences.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in our action! We believe that initiatives like this are incredibly important for people of all generations!