is a city in Belarus. The capital of the Vitebsk Region, it has 366,299 inhabitants
VC center information
Volunteer Community FSU Lulav Vitebsk
The Volunteer Center is dedicated to providing all-round assistance to the elderly members of the community and families at risks. Implements projects aimed at preserving traditions and cultural heritage, as well as at the interaction of people of different generations about their experience. Conducts training seminars for volunteers to improve the quality of service delivery to the target audience.
Coordinator: Marina Elevich
Phone: 3752 6126304
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: First Kolkhoznaya 6
Last news and events from volunteer centers
In Vitebsk, a campaign to improve the memorial site was held as part of the project "Preserving Memory – A Path to the Future."
To mark the celebration of the year 5785, an annual event was held for members of the community.
A charity event took place in Vitebsk for September 1st.
From September 20 to 22, 2024, an extraordinary festival took place near Minsk, bringing together volunteers from Minsk, Bobruisk, Gomel, and Vitebsk.
Creative and warm Meeting for People with Visual Impairments
Connecting Hearts: Volunteer Festival in Vitebsk Region
Members of the Community Got to Know the "Jewish" Sights of Vitebsk
This summer, the Memorial "Jewish Cemetery of the Kolishki Settlement" in the Lyozno District of the Vitebsk Region was officially opened.
In 2024, the Food Security project continued its operations across 6 countries. Here are the results:
Stories from volunteers
Savchenko Evgenia - volunteer and head of household at the State Institution Center of Culture "Vitebsk". She became an active participant in the Your District project, which helped her to understand that she could be helpful for other people. Evgenia participated in various volunteer programs and projects of the Community, and for her it has always been interesting, informative and exciting. As for her values, she believes that Kindness can't be big or small and together, as a team, we can do anything.
My name is Igor, and in my everyday life, I work as an operator at a water pumping station. But in addition to this responsible profession, I have other interests - mobile photography and literature. Volunteering, for me, is an opportunity to provide assistance to those who truly need it. My first volunteering experience was during the "Autumn Holidays" campaign. During those challenging times when the pandemic had struck, we distributed food packages to elderly people. When you see gratitude in the eyes of those in need, you realize that it's priceless. This gratitude means so much more than any amount of money. I'm glad to be part of this volunteering team. My help and my time can serve a noble cause. Help your neighbor, seek opportunities to make the world better, without seeking personal gain. Because it's moments like these that make our lives more meaningful and fill them with warmth and kindness.
Greetings! My name is Eduard Rabunsky, I am an active volunteer of the project "Preservation of memory - the road to the future". The project is aimed at preserving history and traditions, as well as at restoring the ancient burial places of the Jewish population in the Vitebsk region. The first volunteer experience was in recording an audio production for grandparents of "University Without Borders" in the "Theatre of Three Generations" project. Volunteering provides an unforgettable experience in various fields. You can learn a lot of interesting and new things, meet new interesting people. Volunteering is a voluntary activity for everyone. Many people wonder: "Why should I do some work just like that?". The fact is that all this is done for oneself. You, without noticing it, will pump your skills in various fields. The very feeling that you somehow managed to contribute to a good cause makes you happy.
Hello, my name is Zahar Ustinov. I am a student at the Agricultural College in Vitebsk and have been volunteering with our center for several years. Since childhood, I have been involved in the community. My mother took me to the Synagogue and the community center, which undoubtedly shaped my view of our community as a large, close-knit family. Naturally, I developed a desire to help members of this family. At the age of 11, I became an actor in the "Menorah" theater, and at 13, I read weekly Torah portions for teenagers.
In the AJT Teen Club, I launched my first project, "From Chess to Gadgets," aimed at bringing together people of different generations—youth taught older adults the basics of working with devices and gadgets, while grandmothers and grandfathers taught us to play chess! Soon, my second project, "Sefer-Seret," focused on books and cinema, will begin.
In addition, I have participated in other volunteer projects and events, and I am currently involved in the "Kosher Guest" and "Theater of Three Generations" projects. Volunteering provides me with invaluable experience in various aspects of life and allows me to meet interesting people. Most importantly, it gives me the confidence that I can make a real difference, and that brings me great joy!
Projects initiated all over FSU volunteer centers
Preserving and maintaining Jewish values and traditions.
Care and Attention to the Elderly in The "Soulful Workshop" Project
Providing Minor Household Assistance to Elderly Hesed Client
Maintaining connection and uniting different generations through collaborative creativity