'Seminar for volunteers "Maagal Junior"' poster
Tula / Russia

Seminar for volunteers "Maagal Junior"

Teenagers have spent their weekend in an active manner, exchanging their experiences in a company of madriches and Jewish professors.

The whole year volunteers from Moscow and Tula been developing their projects. On the seminar, they have shared their achievements with each other, as well as received some of the new information from their peers and professors that might help them in the future projects.

For three days, they have been studying the topics of time management, developed their soft-skills on an online session with couch Nirite Kreiman from Israel. They have met up with a professional medical clown Nimrod Aizenberg from the project Dream Doctors, who have told young volunteers about new voluntary initiative and practices. This meet-up was the most interesting to them, as volunteers have not heard much about this craft. Nimrod stated, “If you can’t fix the problem, change your attitude towards it”, which was very moving for volunteers.

Volunteers have also got to look over the ecological problems in the voluntary field. 

Three days have passed by seamlessly for everyone. They were very productive, filled with pleasant emotions and new acquaintances. Volunteers left inspired and filled with energy for the new beginnings. We are waiting for the moment when we will be able to get together like this again!

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