'Book Presentation' poster
Tiraspol / Moldova

Book Presentation

As part of the "Literary Living Room" project at the Hesed Center, a wonderful event took place—a book presentation by Ostaфiy Maina Iosifovna.

As part of the "Literary Living Room" project at the Hesed Center, a wonderful event took place—a book presentation by Ostaфiy Maina Iosifovna, our honored client! Everyone eagerly awaited this moment, as the book promised to reveal the author's challenging life experiences and the incredible strength of her belief in miracles.

The publisher, Pavel Teryoshin, proudly introduced the book to the audience. The book describes the life difficulties that Maina Iosifovna had to face, but despite all the trials, she did not lose her love for life. Each page is filled with emotions, and the author warmly recalls the years gone by.

Miracles accompanied the author throughout her life. She believes that faith in them helped overcome any difficulties. But let's not reveal all the plot twists of the book; we recommend that everyone read it on their own.

Our guest received many warm reviews about her book from those who had already read it. Ovations, flowers, autographs, and photos for memory became an integral part of this unforgettable event.

The young poet Ksenia, who attended the event after reading the book, was also present. Inspired, she wrote wonderful poems. She shared her creations with those present, creating a truly magical moment.

The event left a lasting impression on everyone, and each person left with a feeling of delight and inspiration. The life of Ostaфiy Maina Iosifovna touched the hearts of many, and everyone wanted to read her book to get to know the author and her experiences better.

The event concluded with a tea party and memorable gifts. Volunteers presented calendars for the year 5784 from the volunteer center to all attendees.

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