Call Center 2024
The updated format of calls and communication over the phone with the elderly
My name is Evgeniya Kasap. I am glad to greet everyone. Let me tell you a little about myself: first and foremost - I am a member of the Jewish community, a mother of two wonderful sons. I am the coordinator of the Call Center at the Republican Volunteer Center in Chisinau.
The Chisinau Call Center started operating in its new format since mid-September 2019. Prior to the launch of the updated format of calls and communication over the phone with the elderly, we had projects "Free Ears" and "Stay Informed" running in our center for a long time, the aim of which was to inform and engage the elderly in community life, as well as to overcome loneliness among less mobile elderly clients.
Our activity was particularly evident during the pandemic when lonely elderly people, being in self-isolation, were "cut off" from the world and communication.
In February 2022, with the start of the war in Ukraine, the Call Center began operating in emergency mode. Volunteers came to the center to make calls to support the elderly of Hesed Ukraine from different cities. They found out about their needs: medications, food, emergency assistance, assistance in evacuation. A hotline was opened. Volunteers took turns according to the schedule. All available places from which calls could be made were occupied. We worked practically non-stop, taking turns on the hotline, where people could call and receive all sorts of information - contact numbers and addresses of Hesed distribution centers for refugees, bus numbers, meeting places, places of humanitarian aid distribution, and other useful information. These were calls with heavy life stories, people getting lost at the border, lagging behind the bus, unable to leave the country, many needed moral support, as they could not leave their homes for evacuation for various reasons related to age, illnesses. All necessary information on providing various types of assistance was passed on to Hesed Ukraine, where local volunteers and staff could provide assistance.
Since May 2022, the project has continued its work in normal mode. Call Center volunteers communicate in pairs with beneficiaries (one-on-one), chatting on various topics, supporting each other in various aspects of life. Also, within the framework of the "Information" project, volunteers call our beneficiaries to invite them to community events, to projects of the Volunteer Center, congratulate them on Jewish holidays. Every day, volunteers make calls to congratulate each member of the community - Hesed beneficiaries of the whole of Moldova - on their birthdays.
In October 2023, the Call Center resumed its work in emergency mode to make support calls to Russian-speaking citizens of Israel, residents of Ashdod and Ashkelon. Volunteers who underwent training from JDC called residents of Israel on these difficult days for everyone. Volunteers treated such calls with trepidation, as many of them have relatives, acquaintances, and friends in Israel. Calls to Israel turned out to be less alarming; it was pleasant to hear from the beneficiaries that they have everything they need - groceries, safe rooms, hot meals brought by volunteers, many were taken to nursing homes for the elderly, to quieter places, most elderly people were helped by children, grandchildren, neighbors. With the support of the municipalities of Israeli cities, JDC was able to organize this process of calling and supporting elderly clients.
Volunteers' feedback on calls to Israel:
1. I was impressed by the conversation with Ichieil, he is 86 years old, he lost contact with his friend from Moldova Boris. They haven't communicated for five years, and he was very worried about his fate. In the end, I found Boris's contacts and connected them. In the future, I sometimes call Ichieil, and he is very happy to hear from me. He promised to welcome me and my family as guests together. Also, I was impressed by one elderly woman from the nursing home who wanted to donate a large sum of money to the army and the needy. She was looking for a reliable channel to make the transfer. This support inspires me with confidence. I understand the situation they are in, their advanced age, I understand that not everything is lost in life and you need to strive to do good while you have the strength.
Linda Shcherbatov, volunteer.
2. Such activity is definitely important. It is very inspiring when they call you and support you, asking if you need help. I think this helps people understand that they are not abandoned in such a difficult moment, and at the same time, it allows for more prompt assistance on the spot. As for the cases, I don't remember well. However, I can say that many people look at the situation quite optimistically and, in general, are very responsive to communication.
Svetlana Orinina, volunteer.
3. I don't have any particular stories, but what stood out to me were the feelings that these people are spiritually very strong, being able to find the strength to enjoy the little things, ordinary things while in such a situation: getting up in the morning, seeing relatives, taking walks; most of them have friends, meet up, communicate, and for them, this is very important. During the calls, many said that everything is fine with them - you should help others.
My stand is that such help is important, even if it is not particularly needed at the moment, but the feeling that someone from Moldova is calling, even if it's just a few minutes of dedicated time, even the toughest person will not remain indifferent, it teaches them to be empathetic, compassionate, and many other qualities emerge in such conditions.
Olga Sakharova, volunteer
4. Many of us have relatives and friends in Israel, and we cannot be indifferent to what is happening in this country. We know the difficulties faced by lonely elderly people, considering our experience with the elderly here in Chisinau, and naturally, we are very sensitive and attentive to the problems of the people of golden age who are in such a difficult situation in the country, staying there, and it is very pleasant to hear that they are coping well, calm, confident that they have not been abandoned, that local volunteers visit them - they need support very much - both physical and moral, they feel care from all sides and it inspires hope that what we are doing is important, good, and one big deed.
Very often, they asked where we are calling from and, hearing that we are from Chisinau, there were people who asked about their acquaintances or relatives with whom they had lost contact; it was important for them to hear that it's not "robots" but people who want to help and respond to their questions and try to find this connection, find that person with whom they lost it.
Svetlana Stolbikova, volunteer