'Event for the Celebration of Rosh Hashanah' poster
Bobruisk / Belarus

Event for the Celebration of Rosh Hashanah

For this even volunteers were delivering gifts to the the members of the Hesed community.

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, which is celebrated two days in a row on the new moon of the autumn’s month of Tishrei according to the Jewish calendar. From this day begins the countdown of the days for the new Jewish year.

Every year we host events dedicated to this holiday. This time it was decided to arrange a festive delivery for the members of the Hesed community. The preparations began long before the delivery itself, in addition to the food boxes, our volunteers prepared special gifts at the master-classes, which were also included in the package for the elderly and families.

On the delivery day, a huge amount of volunteers has gathered and divided into smaller groups, to cover the list of all the addresses. Allelders were happy to see volunteers on their doorsteps, as it was also a share of joy, care and love.

"Gift kindness and it will return to you!" - and congratulations on the beautiful holiday of osh Hashanah!

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